02 Oct The Parrots with Rainbow Feathers
This riot of exotic colors and raucous squaking culminated in incredibly sweet mutual preening! These beautiful endangered Scarlet Macaws were both strident and gentle. Children can see how and when others need their help and also why it is beautiful to be helpful.

Elizabeth Collins
Posted at 19:18h, 04 OctoberMy students were so amazed at the vibrant and rich colorful feathers of Maria and Manuel. They asked why do the other birds only have 1 single color and would it be possible for them to share their feathers with the other birds? They were so touched with the caring and loving attitude of Maria and asked if she is Manuel’s Mom. I simply like this book since it shows children a caring attitude towards each other.
Posted at 11:20h, 08 OctoberThis picture book of beautiful Scarlet Macaws immediately catches children’s attention and they are eager to know more about them. Nice way to teach children to be helpful to others and also to teach about colors.