
Entrepreneurial Hustle In Times Square

Times Square in New York City is always hot and humid! Da place always be pullulatin! As I sat at Times Square a few weeks ago in the post rain heat of a summer evening, to indulge in my favorite spectator sport of people watching, I was gently...

Are Work Ethic and Nirvana Kid Concepts?

At what age should one teach a child about good principles? At what age should a caregiver vary the mix from pure indulgence and play to real life lessons? Are there age appropriate principles? At what age should kids understand about work ethic? About happiness? The...

Making An Advisory Board Work For Your Company

There is no doubt that a carefully chosen advisory board can add immense value to any company. However, extracting such value and actually putting it to use can be challenging, which is why so many advisory boards for small and medium-sized companies can fail. So, how...

Entrepreneurial Hustle In Times Square

Times Square in New York City is always hot and humid! Da place always be pullulatin! As I sat at Times Square a few weeks ago in the post rain heat of a summer evening, to indulge in my favorite spectator sport of people watching, I was gently...

NLCultural & Our First Indian Museum — Salar Jung

Whenever, I visit india I am shocked at how much of the customs and objects of my childhood are eroded and lost. As a technologist and investor, it became a passion project for me to aid and abet in the effort of cultural institutions and...