
Monkey Fight

These inquisitive high energy monkeys epitomize all things children.  They like to play, are self centered, and constantly playing.  It was great fun to watch their energy and quarrelsome play slowly settled down to grooming and caring for each other.  What a lovely story to...


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Strategy For #FutureProof Company: No Products To Own — Services Only

Business and markets play out of the hands of large companies for two simple reasons: reinvention of business models and ever changing customer expectations. Apple’s touch interface destroyed Blackberry, digital photography destroyed film photography, and finally automation and outsourcing destroyed entire townships. So is #futureproof...

Marketing and AI: What Boards Need to Know

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is about to exit the hype cycle, and innovative boards should be empowering and positioning their companies to take on the advantages and challenges that come with it. Chief marketing officers (CMO) in particular are either using AI for competitive advantage already,...

CareerAdviceForWomen: Three Ideas … From A Man

Could a guy say anything relevant about building women’s careers? He could tell you what men do to build careers. He could tell you what parts of career building are gender agnostic. At the very least, he could probably tell you what is missing. As...