
Self Driven Racing Cars Scream Like … Oxymorons

How bought into the hype cycle must folks be to pay attention to self driven racing car records? Why is this different from racing your personal turtles or ants or chickens? Is it sportive? Is it useful? Is the only stake ownership … and blind...

Zuckface’s 4 Ft in Meta is the opposite of Metaphysical

Much as we know VR is not real, some people still think insult and assault in the VR metaverse is real and hurtful. And then, idiot profiteering companies hype that fear that is not even real to try to entice users by publicizing the creation of...

What Strategy Says Fake Meat?

Beyond meat, Impossible meat … why bother? Why not just eat plants and lick a cow for taste? No, this is not a vege evangelism so don’t run off. This is about the the blind leading the blind. Conscientious and health freak KFC lovers will...

How Soon Should You Buy A Company?

So, what is the average tenure of a young graduate to reach executive or C-suite status? 20 years? Regardless of who you are, some training is required, but if the real end goal is to control one's own time and work autonomously, or to run...

How AI Will Clarify What Is Creative

Times Square in New York City is always hot and humid! Those of you who believe “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” or that every scribble is creative or that AI is creative … please find your corners and play … I promise to leave...